Giving Back 

The Opkalla team is committed to giving back to the community and supporting organizations that attack issues of social and economic inequality in Charlotte.

Below are the current charities we support:

Social venture partners

SVP amplifies the impact of those out to do good – connecting and supporting donors, nonprofits and social enterprises so we can make greater impact together. 40+ affiliates, 8 countries, over 3,400+ partners, $70M to 900 capacity-supported nonprofits.


Helping local nonprofits leverage technology and improve business processes to expand their ability to create positive social change in our community.

Claire’s Army

Claire’s Army strives to act as God’s hands and feet for families fighting childhood cancer by supporting their daily responsibilities, allowing them to put time and focus on their child.

Teach for America

Too many children in America are denied access to an excellent education. Teach For America catalyzes leadership to make educational equity a reality.

Wounded warrior project

More than 52,000 servicemen and women physically injured in recent military conflicts. 500,000 living with invisible wounds, from depression to post-traumatic stress disorder. 320,000 experiencing debilitating brain trauma. With the support of our community of donors and team members, we give a voice to those needs and empower our warriors to begin the journey to recovery.

Together we can make an impact.